Welcome to My Blog of Knowledge

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  • Dear all,

    This is an introduction page to those have accessed to my weblog. It is dedicated to publishing my writings and to provide relevant information that may be useful for interested parties. I welcome all of you and enjoy reading all the information, my opinion, thoughts and academic writings. I will update the information and download my recent writings and publication for your reading pleasure.

    My Weblog won the Best Educational Blog Award 2012 in the category of Public and Private Institution of Higher Learning in Malaysia.

  • award blog
  • Best Regard


    28 thoughts on “Welcome to My Blog of Knowledge

    1. Assalamualaikum,

      Thanks for accepting us into your blog. we would expect a good guidance eventhough we are far seperated.
      Best regards.

      Farid Din. (SMFF)

      • muzammil majeed says:

        Brother I wanted to get assistance regarding my son’s education in Malaysia. So can you kindly send me your e-mail id so I can write in details. Jazakkalahu Khair. Muzammil from Sri Lanka

    2. ZULKIFLI HASAN says:


      Dear Farid,

      I trust you are well. Please do not hesitate to contact me via this blog if you need any help on your study. You may inform others about my weblog and may benefit something from it. I will update from time to time any relevant materials to FSU students. You may upload the lecture notes and my articles for free.

      Send my regard to my other students.



    3. Zakhiri Md Nor says:


      Dear Zulkifli,

      Congratulations…Keep up your good works

      Best regards

      Zakhiri MCL 04

    4. Hamid Murad says:

      Assalamualaikum En Zul,

      Congratulations on the blogsite, really informative. Keep blogging.

      Tq, wassalam.

      Hamid Murad

    5. syafiqe says:

      Salaam, Dr Zul

      Congratulations and thanks for a very nice blog. Lots of materials especially on Islamic Banking Law.


    6. A.H.M.Siyam says:

      Dear Sir

      Assalamu Alaikum,

      I am very happy to visit your Blog of Knowledge site
      Jazakallahu Khairan May allah bless you to write more about Islamic
      finance, The final & complete solution for the world economy.


    7. Nor Sham says:


      I just found out about your blog recently. It is very informative and helpful for a student like me. I have an assignment on saving-i of Islamic Banking in Malaysia, what would be the best reference for me?
      So far, i have found several articles and books on Islamic Banking, but is there any particular book on saving-i?

      Best of luck for your PhD research and your blog!


    8. hadi says:

      Assalam Aleykum

      I just discovered this blog and im very happy, thank you brother Zulkifli. your blog is very interesting. Im french when you will come back to europe just let me know and we will meet us Inshalllah. here is my website http://www.muslim-homeexchange.com/ please use it at your convenience,its an exchange platform for Muslim

      regards hadi


    9. Dr Mahyuddin Ismail says:

      assalamualaikum Zul,
      How are u? Still remember me? long time not seen?
      Bila balik malaysia? nak jemput datang bagi talk for my students (currently they are taking Bachelor in Shariah (Economics and Islamic Banking), a JV program with Yarmouk University, Jordan.

      anyway, very interesting blog…I would promote it to my students

      • ZULKIFLI HASAN says:

        Salam Dr. Mahyuddin, mcm mana tak boleh ingat. Mesti ingat. InsyaAllah pertengahan tahun ni balik Msia. Takde hal, nak bagi talk utk student. Ni mmg tanggungjawab sbg pendidik. Ok, nanti apa2 hal contact.


    10. Assalamualaikum,

      Dear Brother,

      Hope you are fine.

      Actually I need the following for a literature review for my fiancee.

      1st Part –

      For the title below she just need some empirical evidences together with reference (Source).
      Impact of financial crisis: can Islamic finance really help?

      2nd part –

      Journal of Financial Services Marketing 15, 228-240 (December 2010) / doi:10.1057/fsm.2010.19
      Shariah-compliant equities: Empirical evaluation of performance in the European market during credit crunch.

      Author: Nafis Alam and Mohammad Shadique Rajjaque – She needs this article but she does not have access because she needs to pay for it. Do you have it?

      Awaiting your kind reply.

      Thank you for your help and attention.

      God bless.

      Best regards,

      Zayd Salauroo, F.I.A.B, C.A.T
      Financial Accountant
      Z S Certified Accounting Technician

      Head Office Branch
      10, Corps de Gardes Street 04, Carnation Street
      Port Louis Pointe aux Piments
      Republic of Mauriritus Republic of Mauriritus
      T: (230) 240 4915 T: (230) 261 5211

      M: (230) 945 3747
      E : zayd.zscat@accountant.com
      W: http://zscataccountant.hpage.com

      A member of A Z Cert Accountants Ltd, a specialist Accounting Firm & Tax Adviser

      Business Registration Number: I10000019


    11. safatoo says:

      very niceeeee ^^

    12. Assalamu alaikum,
      Salam kenal, ini kali pertama berkunjung ke blog ustaz. izin untuk menimba ilmu dan sharing..
      Salam. Syafran Afriansyah, Palembang Sumatera.

    13. Simon Ng says:

      Dear Dr Zul

      Just discovered your blog. Very interesting read.

      Would like to ask if you point me to the right website to obtain the following info:-

      a) Market share of islamic vehicle financing (AITAB and BBA) in Malaysia compared to conventional Hire Purchase

      b) Fundamental differences between AITAB and BBA

      c) Biggest lender (bank) in Malaysia for Islamic Hire Purchase

      Thanking you in advance for your help



    14. ghaith ghrab says:

      Dear Sir,

      I am writing to you Sir to ask for more information about your book “The Stability of Islamic Finance: Creating a Resilient Financial Environment for a Secure Future”, I need to buy this book, can you tell me Sir the library where I can find it. (Tunisia or France).

      I am Ghaith Ghrab from Tunisia , I am working on the Islamic finance to obtain the master degree. My topic is “Islamic Finance and Economic Development”. I am trying to do a theoretical modeling.

      I would also be grateful if you could send me some recommendation or document which can help me.

      Thanking you in anticipation, I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

      Yours faithfully

    15. Ben Othman says:

      Salam to you.
      Firstly, congratulations for having successfully obtained your Doctorate .Secondly, I will appreciate if you could provide me with some insight on the Drafted Islamic Hire Purchase Act.It was reported in the papers the Act is to be tabled in parliament soon. Some information on the salient features would be useful.

      Thank You.
      Ben Othman

    16. aidil yusrie says:

      Assalamualaikum ustaz
      Ana Aidil Yusrie from Phd student of UNISSA Brunei Darussalam, ana buat tentang shariah governance, teringin nak jadikan tesis phd anta jadi ana punya literature review, dimana ana boleh acces? ill buy the hard copy if you sell it

    17. waseem khan says:

      I am planning to open a technical institute in India at my village , how can I get intrest free loan, and what are the requirements for the loan.
      waseem khan

    18. Assalamu’alaikum

      saya ahmad dari indonesia. bolehkah saya meminta email DR. Zulkifli Hasan??

      Saya sedang ingin belajar tentang ekonomi Islam secara serius. Terima kasih


    19. aisyah says:

      assalamualaikum Dr.
      boleh tak kalau saya nak minta emel Dr? saya adalah pelajar master dan ada beberapa perkara yang saya ingin tanya Dr.

      terima kasih.wassalam

    20. Shamsaddin says:

      Salam Sir
      i am a PhD student in Islamic banking law in the UK, i have some problems about my topic. can i have your email please. i would like to know your opinion.
      thanks in advance


    21. Bintul Islam says:

      Assalamu alaikum,
      congratulations Brother.Allah give barkat in ur work.i just read this blog.its v.interesting n informative.its really amazing.Allah bless u.

    22. Sala says:

      salam Dr.

      I just want to know, are there any specific Islamic banking law in Malaysia? or it is under the general banking law?


    23. Abu Khalifa says:

      Mabruk sir,

      Its very imformative blog.

      We are islamic cooperative in southern Philippines.Hope can meet in person inshallah.

      ramadhan kareem,



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